Monday, March 05, 2007

The WORST invention EVER!..and why its named incorrectly!

It is THE SELF CHECK OUT LANE!!!!!!!!!....

I can't stand it anymore! How come (most times) I can zip thru one of these fucking lanes within a reasonable amount of time! My last two times have gone like this:

--Woman with baby IN stroller and NO carriage scans groceries at snails pace (i should interject that only ONE of the THREE self check out lanes were working), takes at LEAST two minutes to dig thru wallet for her cash, and then AFTER scanning everything NOW puts THEM one by one in their bags (at LEAST five minutes.....I should note also not i was not in a rush and not in a bad mood...just love watching people in their own world, that she didnt note that i TOO was traveling with a small child). After all of this she crams ALL of the items into the carriage and THEN rips the coupons that print out and stands there READING them! Are you fucking kidding me?

--Tonight i watch the older woman in line in front of me mis scan an item twice, then get the "unexpected item in bagging area" error message, and then be unable to get a roast the size of my thigh to scan without the assistance of an employee! I gave up, moved to the other lane and finally got out....she may still be there for all i know.

--So why do the call it the SELF checkout lane????? Everyone in front of ME needs assistance!
They should call it "With the help of others" lane. These groceries stores need to have a FULL TIME person whose job is ONLY to stand at the end of the lane with scanner guns and access codes a ready!

--I know asshole use a REGULAR lane right! Fuck you! I will not let the stupid moronic masses win this battle. I will continue to wait my turn, sigh under my breath, get thru the line in good time complete with $20 cash back, just because i can!


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