Thursday, August 10, 2006

Thanks Terrorists!!!!!!!!

LOOK at those people^^^^^^^THEY are enjoying what???? The AIRTRAVEL experience!!!! Lucky bastards! NOT knowing what was to come in about 25 years. Terrorism happened over there. They're probably relaxed...going to get home and watch their $1000 VCR (Betamax anyone???). The middle east? Something THEY saw on the network CNN yet. Waiting in the termimal? Probably reading a local paper....USA Today? Nope....Five years later. NObody is bothering you with their cell phone....No GAMEBOYS...we just got pong for godsakes. They're probably pissed off about gas too and they may have to sit in actual gas lines. Their inflation is nuts. Listening the Bee Gees or maybe The Knack on the radio (could be AM or FM). Cassette in the car? not yet Mr. or Mrs 1977 traveler (the photos above are from mid 70s ish). CDs? about 8 years away. In the car? Closer to 15. Yes I'm a little jealous of our friends from 1977....Even the girl in the bottom picutre is smiling and shes in the MIDDLE seat! The airport seemed like a quieter place.
Dare I say it.......a FUN place....

(fade to August 10, 2006.................................)

Just sitting and thinking how much I used to enjoy flying and the travel experience. The thrill of going to the airport. I used to fly alot when i was going to school in Arizona. And when i was younger....we used to fly to Phoenix every winter. We'd get the tickets early..take a ride to the airport to get our boarding passes (pre-internet days of course..talking late 70's here). Or waiting for someone to arrive and actually sitting at the gate. Can you IMAGINE that now? And smoking a cigarette!!!. Biggest complaint back EXPENSIVE food was. HOw bout' parking outside the terminal with the engine running to pick someone up? you're ass would be arrested so fast it would make your spin several times over.

Would I want to get on an airplane now? Fuck NO! Not so much for the fear of getting blow out of the sky....Whatt a freakin' pain in the balls.....traveling by air now has become an endurance test. AND i have kids! Hours and hours of waiting to board and then what the fuck do you do on the plane????????????? ipod? nope....laptop? nope...Starbucks from the terminal? nope. Brush my teeth? nope....refresh my contacts? nope. I heard tonight you can't even bring an eyeglass case on board. I'm in no way making fun of the security measures they are now taking but it seems like its going to get to a point where you will be able to take NOTHING on board...except you! How long til everyone is shackled to their seat?? I know i'm getting carried away here but it is really quite sad.

THANKS TERRORISTS!!.....oh ya....FUCK you!


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