Time Capsule day
I'm home during the day with my kids. I thought just for my own "fun" I would log a day in the life of a stay at home dad (who works evenings) on a day where we have absolutely no plans:
7:45 am: Jenna (the one year old wakes up)
7:50 am: first diaper change
8:05 am: Alexa (the four year old) comes into my room to ask for milk.
8:15 am:Bottle for Jenna/Coffee for me
9:00 am: Breakfast for Alexa and I: pancakes:

9:52 am: Jenna fusses (is that a word?) Oatmeal and pears await. yes thats My hairy arm
10:04 am : reheat cold coffee.
10:24 am: decide it might be time to start an offshoot blog that ONLY focuses on soccer.
then remember to set DVR's for Champions League matches this afternoon. They start earlier since Europe has already go to daylight savings time. a factoid for the day.
10:35 am: Kitchen cleaning/laundry detail commences.
10:37 am: remember tomorrow is trash pickup. Add to "to do" list.
11:00 am: bottle and nap for Jenna.
11:56 am: to list completed (for now) .
noon: lunch for myself and Jenna (make note to myself to add 'my closet' to my do list for
1:30pm: finally....soccer time for me.
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