Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Certainly been a lean month for posts.....Last week was a total blur after a nasty bout with the stomach flu...Out of work weds, thurs and not really back on my feet til saturday. On Saturday I did get to see an old college friend Pat Coelho...Nice to see someone after 20 years, where his oldest kid is ALMOST as old as we were when we met when we were freshman. In other news:

I love being behind old folks at the grocery store....they pay in CASH! How come now when i get my receipt at the grocery store its a fucking mile long? They have to break it down into categories and we also get the ream of coupons that goes with the shit we just bought....

Time to put the A/C s in the windows this weekend. I think we're tired of waking up stewing in our own juices. So its the annual put a new gouge into the woodwork....

Go back to some posts from Feb 2006 and my excitement about my new car...well that car just passed 75,000 miles.

Saw "Sex and The City" last weekend...A movie with Rachel on an OPENING weekend. AMAZING!

I continue to scoure ITUNES for new music and keep coming up dry....Wheres the next big thing for adults?


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