Back to the Future (again)

Quick backstory: At one time, I was as obsessed with tennis as i am now with soccer. In high school, I was too short for hoops, not good enough for baseball, and burned out on soccer (a bit of irony eh?). So I got hooked on tennis between freshman and sophmore years in high school. I went out for the tennis team in my sophmore year and yes got cut. Not even good enough to make the J.V. So in the following summer, I played and played. Watched on TV, learned the game and at the same time, my idol became Bjorn Borg. Don't forget this was a "golden era" for mens tennis, Borg, Conners and later McEnroe, Becker..... So the following spring I make the varsity straight away in my junior year. I played for my last two years in high school and I was pretty good. I wasn't a star but I played tournys' right until i graduated and went off to college.
I wasnt good enough to play Pac-10 tennis, and to be honest it didnt cross my mind. So little by little i played less and less....flash forward to today, I dont think i've been on a tennis court with a racquet in 10 years (maybe more). I bought a can of balls, went off to the courts alone this afternoon with my trusty Borg pro (see pix) racquet circa 1980. With my Borg obession, I bought 2 of the exact racquets he used. They were both over one hundred bucks (remember its 1980 dollars). I hit a couple of ground strokes and starting hitting some serves and it was almost surreal to be out there alone. The sound the ball makes just on the bounce and feeling on the racquetalmost brought a tear to my eye and I actually hit the serves pretty well. Of course I can't wait to see how my right shoulder feels in the morning.........................................
....Since I'm in back to the future mode....Happy 44th birthday to Leslie Kaeppel...She was a girl i went to elementary school with and I've always remembered her birthday was on flag day............
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