Why companies fail

As I wrote a few posts ago I have a subscription to blockbuster online. With my membership i get two in store coupons a month for either a movie or game. The one and ONLY reason i set foot in the store is the coupons. So i take my four old in after school today to pick something out.
I figured it would be a good day to grab one with school vacation next week. I bring our game to the register only to be "greeted" (I use that term loosely) by woman working the register. No "Hi how are you"??....etc..NADA...she goes to look for the game mumbling all the way to cabinet.."I gotta go home...I gotta go home" (bearing in mind the store has been open for two hours and we're the only fucking people in the place). As she checks us out, Alexa says "whats your name?" (she's not shy...). no reply from our Customer service rep....I drive home take the game out of the bag only to find a game for the XBOX (and yes the box we picked from was in the PS2 section). and yes we have a Ps2...so all that way to the store for nothing.....Will I be calling the store....why yes I will....will I speak to the manager? why yes I will. I kept thinking what is this bitch like when the store is busy? If you hate your job SO much that your don't want to spend a minute there....FUCKING quit! If I ever answered my phones at the radio station with the "ya whatta ya want" attitude....I would be out on my ass a LONG time ago.
SO for you The lady at Blockbuster whose name we dont know because you wouldn't tell us....."LIFE IS TOO SHORT!"
WHY conpanies FAIL.......................................
I could almost hear that Boston accent in the 'ya whatta ya want' lmao!
Ok big boy... settle down a bit. If you had to work for minimum wage... and deal with the crap associated with low end retail... probably thinking you were meant for far greater things...little or no education... with maybe 7 whining kids at home (omg that was a nasty comment and hasty generalization but I bet spot on...)you may have done the same thing. cheers! k
btw are you on the air or behind the scenes at work?
I admit it was a long winded post over nothing. Just a simple pleasant transaction would have be nice. Its not like i was asking her for oral sex (she wasn't that cute....hahahaha....ok....i'll shut up now).
But don't you hate when you go somewhere and you feel like they're doing YOU a favor by doing their job?????
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